Too Tone NZ Music Month

NZ Music Every Godzone Month! sign from Too Tone Records in Dunedin.

Our New Zealand Music Month day #29 song is the closing track from Princess Chelsea’s “The Loneliest Girl” album – an examination of the musician’s life called “All I Need To Do”:

“All I Need To Do”  is a reflection on a musician’s life: “I’ve been making music for about 11 years/ I stay inside on summer days/ I’ve drifted from my friends/ my parents, they are so polite/ They want me to have kids/ I’m working in a record store/ to try and pay my bills/ All I need to do/ is make the music and try to be true…”

“The Loneliest Girl” is the fourth album by globe-trotting Chelsea Nikkel, following “Lil’ Golden Book” and “The Great Cybernetic Depression” and a recent album of cover versions. It’s the best of the lot. It’s a more expansive, varied and exploratory collection of great pop songs. Those songs are beautifully crafted and often wry reflections on life, mixed with somewhat dark and melancholy fantasy, wrapped up in a set of glorious Serge Gainsbourg-esque arrangements.