Sometimes the world needs to be reminded of the sound of the guitar of Dunedin resident musician and painter David Kilgour, here with his trusty Heavy Eights and the title track of his 2011 album “Left by Soft”:

It’s a wet cold and windy day here in Dunedin. The sea is whipped up by storm force winds and anyone with a wood-burner is noticing that this winter arrived earlier and is colder so far than the last several Dunedin winters and the wood pile is dwindling faster and earlier than usual. David Kilgour‘s guitar radiates warmth so it’s as good an excuse as any to revisit his extraordinary back catalogue today.

It’s heading towards the end of song-a-day NZ Music Month of May (it’s a silly NZ music promotion thing no-one cares about anymore, and of course in the words of Too Tone Tony “EVERY MONTH IS NZ MUSIC MONTH!” Gave the daily song posting thing a miss last year, but managed to stay the course this year again.

As a bonus here’s the official Merge Records music video for “Left By Soft” which I filmed live upstairs at The Empire, at one of the last shows there.